
Tips on Driving Traffic to Your Store with Retail Signage

When potential clients visit your store, your retail signage is probably the first and last thing they see. Signage controls the flow of customer traffic within your physical store and, if done incorrectly, can cause a lot of confusion on your sales floor. To attract customers effectively and guide them through your store efficiently and profitably, you must first become proficient in the fine art of retail signage.

Let us look at the best business signage tips that will catch your potential customers’ attention.

Keep the Copy Concise

There’s nothing worse than too much verbiage in signage copy. Do not let clutter meddle with your store’s message: always use the fewest words necessary to convey your message.

However, it is also critical to know how many signs are posted in a given area. When a customer is trying to browse your selection or make a purchase, nothing is more disconcerting than being bombarded with wordy, cluttered signage. It’s not a professional appearance.

Know Where to Place Your Store Signs 

In the signage industry, certain standards dictate where customers will look to find your signage. Directional signage, for example, will hang from the ceiling or be higher than eye level in the aisle, allowing customers to see it as they pass through. In contrast, promotional signage will be placed at eye level in your window display or at ground level on the street to attract wandering passersby.

Remember that “eye-level” is different for diverse people: children, customers in wheelchairs, and people in cars all have different sign height (and font size) requirements, so test signage positioning yourself to identify the most suitable height for your potential customers, while also taking into account each sign’s intended function.

Understand Color Theory

When customers look at a business sign, many subconscious factors are at work. To begin, use high-contrast colors in your retail signageblack with white, dark with light, and so onthis can increase customer responsiveness by about 23 percent.

Color theory, or the emotions and associations we experience when presented with a specific segment of the color wheel, is another important factor to consider. It’s critical to understand the subconscious associations evoked by each color so that you can ensure they’re consistent with the image you want to present. 

Use Big Fonts

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes when deciding on font size: Will they be driving by your sign in their cars, walking past it, or seeing it on product labels? Larger fonts are also required for senior citizens and people with poor vision. Considering this will help you determine how large your font should be to reach all of your customers.

Another factor to consider when selecting fonts is the text’s clarity. Obviously, you won’t reach out to potential customers with Wingdings, but certain cursive and italic fonts are also extremely risky. It all depends on the font’s visibility from the customers’ eye level. So, for maximum impact, use fonts that are clear and on-brand on your signage.

Use the Right Signs for the Right Functions

Not all retail signage is created equal. Knowing the goal of your retail signage is critical to making a suitable investment. It’s one of the major “whys” of the visual merchandising industry. 


Your retail signage implementation can make or break your in-store experience. Each sign, from the chalk sign outside your store’s door to the directional signage indicating where the exit is, must be concise, witty, easy-to-see, and on-brand. Maintain an awareness of the many applications for retail signage and implement advanced practices such as color theory and font in your store to ensure that your retail signage never falls flat.

If you need custom business signs, turn to Reliable Signs Service. We are a full-service sign manufacturing company located in McCalla, AL (a suburb of Birmingham). Give us a call today!

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